What Causes Fingernail Ridges (Onychorrhexis)


If you have noticed that your fingernails have been developing ridges lately, you are not alone. Many people experience this issue at some point in their lives. In most cases, it is nothing to worry about and the ridges will go away on their own. However, there are some instances where nail ridges can be a sign of a more serious condition. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes fingernail ridges and what you should do if they persist.

What are fingernail ridges (onychorrhexis)?

Fingernail ridges (onychorrhexis) are raised, longitudinal lines that run the length of the nail. These lines can be either fine or coarse, and they may be slightly raised or very pronounced. Fingernail ridges are a common nail condition that affects people of all ages.

What are the causes of fingernail ridges (onychorrhexis)?

There are many possible causes of fingernail ridges, including:

– Aging

– Exposure to harsh chemicals or cleaners

– Injury to the nail

– Psoriasis

– Eczema

– Thyroid disease

– Nutrition deficiency (particularly of zinc, calcium, or vitamin A)

Ridge formation can also be a normal part of the nail’s growth cycle. As we age, our nails tend to become thinner and more brittle, which can cause ridges to form. If you have noticed your nails becoming increasingly ridged recently, it’s important to consult with a doctor or dermatologist to rule out any underlying health conditions.

How can you treat fingernail ridges (onychorrhexis)?

If your fingernail ridges are mild, you may not need treatment. If your ridges are severe, your doctor may prescribe medication or recommend other treatments.

Here are some things you can do at home to help relieve symptoms and prevent fingernail ridges:

-Moisturize your nails and cuticles regularly with a hand cream or lotion.

-Avoid over-washing your hands, which can dry out the nails.

What should you do if you have fingernail ridges (onychorrhexis)?

If you have onychorrhexis, there is no need to worry. This condition is usually harmless and does not cause any pain. However, if you are concerned about the appearance of your nails, you can try the following home remedies:

-Soak your nails in warm water for five minutes. This will help to soften the nails and make them easier to trim.

-Use a nail file or emery board to file down the ridges on your nails. Be sure to file in one direction only to avoid damaging the nails.

Are there any risks associated with having fingernail ridges (onychorrhexis)?

While fingernail ridges are not dangerous, they can be a sign of an underlying health condition. If you have significant ridges or changes in your nails, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any potential problems.

Ridges can also be a cosmetic concern for some people. If your fingernails are causing you distress, there are treatments available to improve the appearance of your nails. Your doctor can discuss your options with you and help you find the best solution for your needs.